MS Literature and Composition B Description

“Keep calm and…OOH! A new book!” This literature class will read various texts: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, novels, short stories, fables, and folk tales. The class will focus on comprehension skills and literary analysis to include the following: character development, plot structure, setting, theme, literary devices, basic annotation, and the author’s and the book’s worldview. Comprehension worksheets and quizzes will be given regularly, along with class discussion of the literary elements. Students will also use movies and/or live plays to compare/contrast with the literature. They will use the analysis to write papers. Students will participate in informal writing by journaling, as well as writing formal papers each quarter. Papers will include compare/contrast, persuasive, critique, character and setting analysis, theme development, and creative writing based on the novels we are reading. Creative projects, review games, and motivational activities will be used as well. In addition, there will be a “mobile library” available to encourage students to find books they like and learn to love reading. They will keep a reading log each month which can be turned in for extra credit. Students should have access to the internet and a word processing program. Rubrics will be used to grade writing assignments. Daily warm-ups will include grammar practice and vocabulary study to enhance students’ understanding of the literature and fine-tune writing skills.

Textbooks and Supplies

The following textbooks and supplies are to be purchased by parents.
Under Class Details, see Class Attachment for a picture of the textbooks as they become available.

Novels: TBD

Short stories, poetry, and worksheets will be provided by the teacher.

3-ring Binder (minimum 2")
Loose-leaf paper
Pencils and pens
Colored pencils
Highlighter set
Dry erase markers
Sticky notes


Successful completion of KEYS MS Writing or permission of the instructor. If students are NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED in a KEYS Math or English class, we require Placement Evaluations to be sure they are placed at the best level to help them be successful in the coming year. Please contact the office to schedule an evaluation prior to class selection.

Class Information

Parents are responsible for purchasing all textbooks and supplies before the first day of class.

Supply fees are due to each teacher on the first day of class. This fee covers materials, lab supplies, and other expenses incurred by the teacher. They are a one-time fee.

Please note the grade level for this class. Students younger than the recommended grade levels need special permission before signing up for the class. Please contact the office for more information.

What happens if a class is full? You may email to be waitlisted.

  • Category: Academics
  • Subject: English
  • Days: Tue, Thur
  • Times: 9:30 pm-10:25 pm
  • Grade Level: 7-8
  • Teacher: Ruth Cline
  • Monthly Tuition: $60
  • Supply Fee: $15