Government and Economics Description

This course will combine American Government and Economics. In American Government (2 quarters), students will study the US Government from a biblical perspective and develop critical-thinking skills in analyzing how history and government are crucial for decision-making on local, state, and national issues. Students will explore America’s foundations, the US Constitution, the three branches of government, and political systems. In Economics (2 quarters), students will examine basic economic principles and how these principles work in business firms, financial markets, and government. It includes a practical analysis of the use of the economic tenets in managing household finances (budgeting, banking, debt, credit, and interest) within a free market and biblical worldview.

Textbooks and Supplies

The following textbooks and supplies are to be purchased by parents.
Under Class Details, see Class Attachment for a picture of the textbooks and workbooks.

American Government Textbook:
American Government Student Edition (4th ed., 2020)
BJU Press
ISBN: 978-1-62856-424-2

American Government Workbook:
American Government Student Activities (4th ed., 2020)
BJU Press
ISBN: 978-1-62856-542-3

Economics Textbook:
Economics Student Text (3rd ed., 2017)
BJU Press
ISBN: 978-1-60682-877-9

Economics Workbook:
Economics Student Activity Manual (3rd ed., 2017)
BJU Press
ISBN: 978-1-60682-957-8


Successful completion of a high school level US History course. Parents must have at least one Canvas account with first and last name. Each student must have a unique Canvas account with first and last name. Student must have the tools to capture and upload assignments into Canvas.

Class Information

Parents are responsible for purchasing all textbooks and supplies before the first day of class.

Supply fees are due to each teacher on the first day of class. This fee covers materials, lab supplies, and other expenses incurred by the teacher. They are a one-time fee.

Please note the grade level for this class. Students younger than the recommended grade levels need special permission before signing up for the class. Please contact the office for more information.

What happens if a class is full? You may email to be waitlisted.

Download Class Attachment