This course builds on the foundation of ASL I & II through an in-depth study of American Sign Language. Continued studies include the use of mouth morphemes, constructive dialogue, and constructive action in daily conversations and narratives. In addition, the students learn how to “describe†items/movements using ASL adjectives and adverbs, respectively. Strategies include the study of ASL language structures, “voice off†conversations, translating English into ASL, translating ASL into English, teaming/interpreting games, book reports, DVD lessons and stories, deaf guest speakers, performances in the KEYS Winter and Spring Concerts, and outreach activities.
There is no required text; however, the instructor will provide copies of necessary material as handouts for that particular class concept.
The following supplies are to be purchased by parents.
1-inch 3-ring binder
Successful completion of ASL II - or by permission of the ASL Teacher
Parents are responsible for purchasing all textbooks and supplies before the first day of class.
KEYS will invoice supply fees at the time of registration and class selection. This fee covers materials, lab supplies, and other expenses incurred by the teacher. It is a one-time fee, transferable until August, but non-refundable.
Please note the grade level for this class. Students younger than the recommended grade levels need special permission before signing up for the class. Please contact the office for more information.
What happens if a class is full? You may email to be waitlisted.